We offer the option of video consultations – please contact the rooms on 07 3123 5350 or email reception@respirologist.com.au to arrange.


Data security and privacy are our top priorities. In case you are wondering:

  • Our video-conference platform does not store any clinical information that is exchanged in a call
  • All of the video, audio or shared documents in a call are transmitted directly between the participants (peer-to-peer) only and are fully encrypted
  • Calls cannot be listened into by anyone except for the call participants
  • Our video-conference platform only stores user signup information – patients don’t sign up to join a consult
  • None of the data that is exchanged in a video call is saved
  • Our platform does not store the identities of a guest user – the snapshot and name is only taken to identify the guests to the users in a call
  • We do need to collect data from you prior to your consultation for the purposes of providing a health care service to you. Please see our privacy policy.